Sunday, December 07, 2008
It's a Scientific Fact!
Good, quick read - check it out!
What do you think?
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I'm Batman!
Check out this post on one person's attempt to insure the Batmobile, and another's attempt to file a related claim!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
"Virgin, we are 'Go' for launch."
I saw Neil Armstrong walk on the Moon, I saw the Space Shuttle go up for the first time, and I can't wait to watch this one fly!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Simple Simon
Ralph Baer invented this game, along with many other foundational technologies we simply take for granted today. Check out this interview with Ralph for a fascinating and entertaining look at some of the information behind the legend - you'll be surprised at not only WHAT he and his teams came up with, but also WHEN.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Ewok Gospel
Thanks to the good folks at
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Having gone from barely noticing it to casual user to "Twooshing!" all over the place these last 5 months, I think I'm hooked.
And - I'm eager to explore new ways to leverage the platform - look for more updates in future columns. In the meantime, enjoy this one...
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
" came out freaking sweet!"
Except for Scion and what they're doing with Scion Speak.
I like what they did when they introduced the car. I like how they have marketed the car. I like how they sell the car (using separate areas in Toyota show rooms). And I like how they are building customer loyalty around the car. I think they've done a good job of knowing what market they are going after and they hit it.
(TANGENT: this is available here through the NY Times, which should have a free sign up form if you can't already view the article; otherwise it's $1,000 USD to republish on the internet for 1 Year (maximum) - that's nuts! I feel another blog coming on...)
I think this is a great example of leveraging the Voice of their brand, and strengthening (and building more of?) their raving fan customers. This car is all-about self expression. It's a mass produced, customized ride.
But don't confusing "Marketing" (which is what we're talking about here) with "Sales" (which is a different part of the company and frankly, not doing all that well).
Scion has carved out a niche for itself that it should focus on. I see Scion Speak as one step on that path, and would like to see what they do with it next.
Would I buy one? Probably not. Would I try to emulate their marketing & sales techniques. I think you would be "Scichotic" not to...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Quick GDC Review Published in "The National Networker"
The National Networker is a Monthly Publication that focuses on many different aspects of networking (geographic, profession, general interest, etc.) . It pretty much has something for everyone. The magazine tries to convey networking strategies beyond the usual tactics. I'm the Technology Editor for this magazine, and it gives me a chance to talk about Technology with a different crowd than my usual Geeks and Tech Heads!
(and yes, it's a little shameless self-promotion, but if you don't toot your own horn every now-and-then, others will use it as a spitoon! :) )
Let me know what you think, and what you might like to see in the column. Over the next few months I will be profiling certain technologies and uses for technology in the networking and online / Social Media / Social Computing space. Stay tuned...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Help Me! Help Me! (best said in a very tiny, sqeaky voice, laying on a spider web, at the end of a 1950's movie)
- it looks cool!
- imagine (and appreciate) the engineering the mechanical / electrical / computer engineering that went into making this. Now, contrast that with an average human's biological & computational engineering - realizing that many of us might not do so well.
Can't wait to see the next version!
Monday, March 17, 2008
The Good Folks Over At Common Craft

I really like what these guys do - very quick, easy & simple.
This is something my Grandmother would be able to understand!
PS - GDC review coming soon...!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Open the pod bay doors, HAL!
I first purchased the NaturallySpeaking software about any 10 years ago and didn't like it. After putting together the content for an upcoming webinar, and having it take six hours of typing, I decided to try something different. Now that webinar would only take me about an hour or two.
I is still working out the nuances of the software (pun intended).for example, I am still learning all of the formatting commands, and I am finding that because my computer is slow. There is a very slight delay in the response of the software. However, I am noticing that the program is "learning" as I go. If you do a lot of typing out, you should definitely check it out.
Friday, March 07, 2008
This Is A Great Book – Read It!
Well researched, organized and written, Ms. Meredith has taken a complex topic and added just a little-more-than-sufficient detail into the historical context, that provides a great foundation for understanding contemporary realities. Her review of China strongly correlated with what I knew, and her review of India was enlightening.
I think it's a great introductory / intermediate text on the subject of outsourcing in general, and with respect to these two nations in particular. For more on Outsourcing and the role that India has created for itself in this industry, I still strongly recommend Bangalore Tiger by Steve Hamm. These are good companion texts - enjoy!
Good Inspiration With Just Enough To Get You To MOVE!
People will rationalize whatever behavior they want or need to. And while this book won't bring the death of any multi-national companies any time soon, it does provide structure for a lifestyle that many, many people (quite literally) day-dream about.
It's time to stop dreaming & get moving, if you're not already – get the book and apply it!
Found This Book Helpful To Create Functional System To Keep My Life Organized
too long; I felt he had about 30% too much content in there. Chapters 4 – 10 are “the meat”, with Chapters 11 -1 3 providing the next level of useful detail.
the first 3 chapters could either be significantly trimmed or eliminated
the margin quotes interspersed throughout the book were interesting to read, but I found them distracting and not really adding a lot to comprehension of the content (I like reading quotes from people, and gather that Robert Allen does as well...)
That said...
I strongly recommend this book for people who really want to get “their lives” under control. I've implemented his recommendations and have benefited from DRASTIC productivity increases – and less stress and more relaxed time with my family.
While reading it I found myself taking issue with some of his suggestions, and dropped my objection when I implemented his recommendations (my justification was that what I had been doing so far wasn't getting me the intended results, so...try something different).
I'm glad I did. My wife has noticed a difference and I feel a lot less stress (and this review is starting to sound like a fabulous new diet pill commercial! :P )
Anyway, I strongly recommend this and if you are trying to have a process or system to more effectively what you want to have in your life. It's cheap to implement and the benefits are immediate.
RIch Dad, Poor Dad: Good, Overview of Foundational Ideas – But Don't Look For Specifics Here...
At less than 200 pages and anywhere from $2 - $12 USD, it's a fairly inexpensive book to peruse. I don't think he “dumbed down” anything; rather, he took a subject that many find confusing and intimidating, and radically simplified it. That has a lot to do with how successful this (I think his whole “Rich Dad” series) has been.
Don't expect to find many / any specific “how to's” in this book; rather, read it to inspire you to action to find out about more ways to leverage your financial growth. I think this is a good introductory text for anybody, but especially if you feel the least bit intimidated about financial growth and investing.
I recommend this book for beginners.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Cracking Open the Commodore 64
Anyway, it's interesting seeing the guts of these old machines - especially in comparison to today's technology.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Shameless Self Promotion - GDC08 - Check It Out!!!
Plus, as an added bonus...I've finally succumbed to all of the requests & peer pressure - I'll be speaking this year on Outsourcing in the gaming industry, with several of my colleagues. It'll be awesome and great fun, to be sure.
(I think this is the first time I've given a presentation that was BEFORE lunch, and not, the natives will be restless. At least I'm not the last presentation before the bar opens...)
Come learn what to avoid in your next outsourcing situation. Trust me - these lessons can be learned and applied REGARDLESS of what industry in which you happen to find yourself.
Plus, there's lots of weird people here and they're a BLAST to hang out with!
CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!!!